What is Linux?
What is Linux?
Linux (also known as GNU) is best know as the most used open source operating system, like Microsoft or apple Mac OS. Unlike those two operating systems, Linux operating system and its softwares are created by volunteers and employees of companies, governments and organinstaion all over the world.
Who invented Linux?
Linux was created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki. Torvalds built linux as a free and open source alternative to minix another Unix clone that was predominantly used in academic settings.He originally intended to name it "Freax", but the administrator of the server Torvalds used to distribute the original code named his directory "Linux" after a combination of 'Torvalds' first name and the word Unix. So he named this as Linux.
Linux is the software on the computer which receives request from the programs in the OS and relays to the computer hardware, for this purpose we refer to the term called linux kernel,but also the set of programs,tools and services that are typically bundles together with Linux Kernel to provide a fully functional operating system. Some people, particularly members of the Free Software Foundation,refer to this collection as GNU/Linux,because many of the tools included are GNU components. However,not all Linux installations use GNU components as a part of their operating system.Android,for example,uses a Linux kernel but relies very little on GNU tools.
The Linux OS is comprised of different things.
The Linux OS is comprised of different things.
- The Bootloader: The software that manages the boot process of your computer. For most users, this will simply be a splash screen that pops up and eventually goes away to boot into the operating system.
- The Kernel:This is the one piece of the whole that is actually called “Linux”. The kernel is the core of the system and manages the CPU, memory, and peripheral devices. The kernel is the “lowest” level of the OS.
- Daemons: These are background services (printing, sound, scheduling, etc) that either start up during boot, or after you log into the desktop.
- The Shell:You’ve probably heard mention of the Linux command line. This is the shell – a command process that allows you to control the computer via commands typed into a text interface. This is what, at one time, scared people away from Linux the most (assuming they had to learn a seemingly archaic command line structure to make Linux work). This is no longer the case. With modern desktop Linux, there is no need to ever touch the command line.
- Graphical Server:This is the sub-system that displays the graphics on your monitor. It is commonly referred to as the X server or just “X”.
- Desktop Environment: This is the piece of the puzzle that the users actually interact with. There are many desktop environments to choose from (Unity, GNOME, Cinnamon, Enlightenment, KDE, XFCE, etc). Each desktop environment includes built-in applications (such as file managers, configuration tools, web browsers, games, etc).
- Applications: Desktop environments do not offer the full array of apps. Just like Windows and Mac, Linux offers thousands upon thousands of high-quality software titles that can be easily found and installed. Most modern Linux distributions (more on this in a moment) include App Store-like tools that centralize and simplify application installation. For example: Ubuntu Linux has the Ubuntu Software Center (Figure 1) which allows you to quickly search among the thousands of apps and install them from one centralized location.
Top Most Distributions of Linux.
Ubuntu is most well known distribution in Linux Operating systems because it is user friendly and basic Operating system so beginners can start with this operating system.
Linux Mint is built based on the Debian and Ubuntu but Linux Mint has the multimedia support.
Debian is an operating system composed only of free open-source software. The Debian project has been operating sience 1993.
The Most succesful Operating system in debian distribution is Kali linux.You can get to know more about Kali linux by visiting the below links.
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